Monday, October 29, 2007
Journals 10/22/07-10/26/07
- An easy class with a lot of homework because you will be able to finish the homework in class. The homework will be easy enough to do quickly at home. If you had a hard class with little homework then the homework will be hard and take longer to finish.
10/23/07- Which of the decades has the best music?
- The 80s decade is the best because my mom listen to the music when she was my age. She still listens to it and got me into listening to it. If any of the decades were better it would have to be this one.
10/24/07- Do you like to hunt? Why?
- Yes and no. I like to hunt because I think it is fun to walk through the woods and see deer then shoot them. I don't like hunting because you have to get up really early. I also don't like hunting because I have to be quiet and sit still and if you know me then you know I can't really do either of them.
10/25/07- Nearly nine weeks into school...has your initial new lunching changed?
- I don't really like it as much. People still pass and with this new lunch line it is worse because you have to walk all the way around the cafeteria. If you just let us go to the line we want to go to then not as many people would pass.
10/26/07- Do you (or will you someday) play the lottery?
-I have never really thought about playing the lottery. I may play when I get older but I am not really sure. I have never really wanted to play, so maybe I won't play when I get older . I guess it just depends how I feel about playing it when I get older.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Journals 10/15-10/19
- The most annoying naming convention is when someone gives their dog a full name. I think it is really stupid. No offense to the people that do do that. I also think when people give their dogs names that don't fit them, for example a huge dog named fluffy.
10/16/07- Of all the pets you have ever had....which one had the coolest name.
- I have never had a pet. I couldn't tell you what the coolest name was. If I had a pet all their names would be cool.
10/18/07- Suggest a few JT questions of future use.
- I don't really no any journal topics. I think you want us to give you suggestions because you are to lazy to think of them yourself. I think you should think of them yourself.
10/19/07-Great Job with Lousy pay or Lousy Job with Great Pay?
- I think a great job with lousy pay. This would be better because atleast you like your job. You would want to go to work everyday and you could eventually get more money. With a lousy job you wouldn't want to go to job and would hate your life.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Journals-10/9/07- 10/12/07
- I really like dippy eggs. They are really good. I have liked them since I was little. Scrambled eggs are really good to. I like to eat egg sandwich's to so I really just like eggs anyway.
10/10/07- Write me a get well/message/Sentiment.
-I hope you know that if you were really sick of course I would write you a get well sentiment. I mean you have to be really sick. I don't consider a sun burn sick. They do make sun tan lotion that you could invest in to prevent a sun burn. If you really wanna be a sissy and say that your sunburn hurts so bad and you can't come to school then I hope you get better soon.
10/11/07- Redecorating is imminent...Which three posters should go? Why?
-The first one to go is the Wolverine poster. I wanted that one to go the last time you redecorated. I just don't like how it has "Wolverine" down the side. Other then that I don't care what posters you get rid of. I really like the Batman one in the cave so please don't get rid of that one.
10/12/07- Are/were you satisfied with your first marking period performance in this class?
- I am ok with it. I think I could do better though. I mean my grade is ok but I don't really wanna settle for it. I am relieved that the class is weighted though.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Journals 9/28-10/5
- No. I honestly don't think so. Games are just games they shouldn't influence anybody. I mean there are many other media influences that would influence kids more than stupid video game. I do think kids get to much addicted to them, and I do think people should get out a little more but I don't think they will make them a violent person.
10/1- Did you have trouble completing the quotes assignment?
- No, not really. I think I would have been more confused if it was the first time I had ever done them but I did them last year so I knew what to do at least. Some of the quotes were confusing, but I after I figured out what they meant it was easy. The hardest thing for me was actually to sit down and new them.
10/2- Who is your Hero?
- I have a couple heroes. Brittani Riley is my hero because she is my friend, she is nice, she is good at sports, and she drives me around. I have always told her she is my hero. Ariel is my hero of course because she is my favorite Disney character and she is so nice to everyone. Chris is my hero because he puts up with me and anyone that can do that is my hero. Plus he is really nice. Last but defiantly not least my family because they have done everything for me.
10/3-Critique each hallways homecoming decor.
- The sophomores are the best because I helped decorate it. The tornadoes in that hallway are the best. Honestly I do like that are hallway looks good, but so does the Juniors and seniors. I didn't think the freshman hallway was good at all, they didn't even spell freshman right. At least they tried though. I like how the Juniors wrote the fight song. I like how the Seniors used plates for a tornado.
10/4- Based on your life now...predict your death.
- I really don't want to think about how I am going to die. When I do die I hope it is when I am old and I die peacefully in my sleep. Based on my life now though I will probably have a major fall and die. I fall a lot so if I was to die now it would be because I fell off a Cliff or something.
10/5/07- Homecoming game. Who will win? By how much?
- I think keyser will defiantly win. I think they will win really bad. They should at least by three touchdowns. I think the score will be like 35-7. It maybe even higher then that. I don't think southern will be that good so we should run all over them.
Book Synopsis: It's not easy being mean

Author: Lisi Harrison
Publication Date: March 7, 2007
Page Count: 224
Started: 9/10/07
Finished: 9/25/07
Grade: A
1. Why did I decide to read this book?
- I decided to read this book for many reasons. The main reason is that I already read the series up to this book and I wanted to finish it. The book before left you hanging really bad and it made me want to get this book to find out what happened. All the books before have been really good so far and I wanted to see if this one would be as good. The books in this series are about things I can really relate to and I wanted to read more.
2. Plot Summary.
- The plot starts out with the four main characters going back to OCD( Octavian Country Day School), after being expelled for three weeks.These girls are considered the most popular girls in the seventh grade and they call themselves the "Pretty Committee." After all the new drama of them returning to OCD settles, they are overcame with a new mission. They have to find the key that unlocks the secret room, that when obtained means you will be the most popular " Clique" in the eighth grade. This years eighth grade alpha decides to make finding the key tricky this year since it is the fifth year anniversary of handing the key down. Normally they just hand the key down to the seventh grade alpha, which in this case would be the Pretty Committee. It ends up that Layne finds the key, but compromises and ends up giving it to the Pretty Committee. On top of all this, their is boy drama, drama within the clique, and the thought of a Pretty Committee member moving to L.A. to star in a new movie.
3. What is the setting and why is it important to the novel?
- The setting takes place in the city of Worechester New York. It takes place all around the city around their school, massie's house and guesthouse, the soccer field, and Skye's house. Their is about three weeks of school left. This is significant because they need to get the key before they are in eighth grade because having the key means your the eight grade alpha. Finding the key wouldn't be as important as if it was later int he year. It wouldn't be as important if they were in a different school. If it was any other place or time they wouldn't have to worry about finding the key at all.
4. Who are the main characters and what roles do they play in the novel?
- Massie- She is the seventh grade alpha. She is very rich and head of the Pretty Committee.
- Alicia- She is Massie's best friend. She is boy crazy and is pretty second in command of the "P.C."
- Kiristen- The athletic and less likely to get into trouble "P.C." member because she is at O.C.D on a scholarship.
- Dylan- She is a "P.C." member that is always stressed about her weight.
- Claire- She is the newest "P.C." member she was at once left out. She is friends with Layne and she is the only one with a boyfriend, and she is wanted to star in a movie which makes Massie really jealous.
- Skye- She is the eighth grade alpha. She is the holder of the key.
- Layne- First to find the key with Claire so they could compromise with Massie. Massie considered her a Loser Beyond Repair (L.B.R)
5. What was the main conflict?
- The main conflict was finding the key. While trying to find the key other problems come about. Massie lied to Skye and now has to fix her first lie with other lies. Claire ditched the Pretty Committee for a luncheon with her manager. So, they throw her out of the "P.C." They now have to comprimise with Layne and Claire. On top of all this there is tons of girl drama that takes place.
6. What is the Climax?
- The climax of this story is defiantly when Layne and Claire finds the key right after Massie kicks Massie out of the "P.C." Massie is now really mad because if she wouldn't have thrown Claire out of the group then they would have the key. Claire will only give the key to Massie on a few conditions. Now Massie is really stressing because being alpha means everything to her. Layne is willing to give the key back on a few minor conditions and Claire really just wants back in the "P.C." and a few other conditions. They end up compromising so everyone gets their way.
7. Whats the significance of the title and is it appropriate?
- The title is very appropriate in this case. These girls are very mean and they think it is very hard to to be mean and stay the alphas. They think it is a very hard task. I would not change the title. It suits the book very well. The title fits very well with all the other books in the series. I think the title is very good and appropriate for this book.
8. Opinion.
- I really like this book. It was very Interesting book. It really fits with the other books in the series really well. I didn't want to stop reading it. When I finished reading I didn't want to stop and I wanted the next book to read right then. This book really relates to me and it was fun reading it.